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the remaining earring |
I loved collecting mementos when I was a child. My collections ranged from vintage coins, postage stamps, brand tags, promo pencils, rocks, text cards, pogs, anime figures, coke mini bottles, pictures of cars, etc.. I even collected stuff that are normally considered trash. From restaurant napkins, the actual wrapper of a candy I shared with my crush, the 5-peso coin given by someone I admire, the bus tickets of a trip I went to, the straw I used for drinking a certain beverage for the first time, cotton I used to cover the puncture when I had my blood type classified and many other gross things. My journal, was cramped with all the trash taped, glued and even sewed on the pages.
Not only did I love collecting stuff but I was also extra vigilant in keeping all my personal items private. Growing up in a family with 6 siblings, owning something that you can call your own is rare. Almost everything is shared or handed down. Thinking about it, this is probably why I developed the almost Obsessive Compulsive Behavior of writing my name on almost ALL the things I own.
I am very careful with the things I have from my books, gadgets, watches, pens, journals, etc. I used to feel bad when someone borrowed something from me and doesn't return it or returns it damaged or scratched. It becomes imprinted in my mind and my view of that person becomes tainted or connected with that item he/ she failed to handle with care.
Relationships suffered due to my over-protectiveness towards my material possessions. I fought with my siblings, alienated friends and excommunicated some acquaintances because of offenses like, reading my journal, throwing away a memento, losing an important possession, destroying a book and many things connected to my property.
However, as I grew in my relationship with God, He taught me that these things I hold dearly will eventually pass away (1 John 2:15 - 17) so what is the use of my holding on to them? I should store my treasures in heaven where there are no moths or rust to destroy them or thieves who steal. Because where my treasure is, is where my heart will be also (Matthew 6:20-21).
This is why, we need to travel light. Our stay here on this earth is but temporary. When we leave this earth, we cannot take our money, journals or any treasures with us. We need to simplify our life and focus on the things that really matter. More than any material possessions, our relationships matter most. Our relationship with God, foremost and our relationship with our family and others next. Investing in our relationships rather than increasing our material net worth is a better choice. Luke 9:25 says, "And how do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose or forfeit your own soul in the process?"
Holding loosely to material things and traveling light will save us a lot of heartache and broken relationships. I may not be able to undo what I did in the past but I most certainly can do something about the present and the future.
Just tonight I came home to realize I lost one of the earrings I was wearing. It was one I especially liked because it was given to me by my aunt. But by God's grace, I did not panic, feel stressed or strongly feel the loss. I thank God for a generous aunt and I also thank Him for allowing me to use those earrings for a few years not to mention for giving me a topic to blog about. :)
My prayer is that we would all learn to travel light in this world and hold on tightly to those things that have eternal value. Just like Job, a man who had almost everything taken away from him in just one day, may we also be able to say:
“Naked I came from my
mother’s womb,
And naked I shall return there.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21
And naked I shall return there.
The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21
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